custom siRNA |
GenePharma’s RNA synthesis products are repeatedly optimized and rigorously tested to ensure the high stability of product quality....
modified siRNA |
GenePharma has all the internationally leading core technologies of siRNA chemical synthesis, especially the custom and chemically-modified siRNA oligo synthesis technology, the RNA monomer synthesis technology,...
control for siRNA |
In order to get correct analysis experimental data, a suitable control experiment is necessary. A fluorescence-labeled siRNA negative control, which has no genetic homology with human, is conducive to the optimization of transfection conditions, and also can be used as the non-specific silencing control....
FAM-labeled siRNA |
The siRNA oligo can be labeled in the four different ends of double stranded by multiple markers....
siRNA Sets |
GenePharma could design a siRNA pack for the customers who intend to ensure the inhibit efficieny. you just need to provide us the gene's name and Accesion Number...
shRNA vector |
The siRNA expression vector with antibiotics labeling can continuously suppress the target gene expression, lasting for several weeks or even longer...
Lentivirus shRNA vector |
GenePharma could product high quality Lentivirus shRNA shuttle vectors suitable for in vivo research....
RT-PCR kits |
Real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) is an innovative and reliable technique for quantitative analysis of gene expression, mutation detection, allele discrimination and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) genotyping....
RT-PCR probes |
GenePharma provides accurate and reliable results. In order to make your real-time quantitative PCR results accurate and reliable, please select the following sequence-specific fluorescence probes....
RNAi services |
The RNAi technology is not only a powerful weapon for gene function research, but also can be used to inhibit the expression of pathogenic genes, as a potential therapeutic tool for disease treatment. The success of RNAi is dependent on following factors...
RNAi Screening service |
Using siRNA screening to select the genes which related cells life cycle has become a common tool for the research of gene chemistry and life science. The high throughput screening could analyze the functions of thousands genes, and promptly identify the relative genes,thus find new research targets...
CRISPR/Cas 9 plasmid |
Using the CRISPR/Cas 9 system with tens of thousands of guides that are designed to target all coding genes in the human genome allows researchers to conduct genome-scle gain- and loss-of function genetic screens....
miRNA Inhibitor |
GenePharma miRNA inhibitors are chemically-modified and optimized nucleic acids designed to specifically target the microRNA (miRNA) molecules in cells. Endogenous microRNAs are small...
miRNA mimics |
GenePharma miRNA are small, single stranded, chemically-synthetic and optimized nucleic acids designed to mimic endogenous mature microRNA (miRNA) molecules in cells. GenePharma miRNA are designed to directly enter the miRNA processing pathway and, after processing, are treated identically to endogenous miRNA within the cell. You can:...