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modified siRNA
GenePharma has all the internationally leading core technologies of siRNA chemical synthesis, especially the custom and chemically-modified siRNA oligo synthesis technology, the RNA monomer synthesis technology,
RNA interfering(RNA interfering,RNAi) phenomenon was first unknowningly observed when RNA was shown to inhibit protein expression in plants and fungi by process, then known respectively as post-transcriptional gene silencing and quelling. In 1998,Fire and Mello first observed that double-stranded RNA was the source of sequence-specific protein inhibition in C.elegans known as RNA interference. While the studies in C.elegans were encouraging, RNAi was limited in use to lower organisms because delivering long dsRNA for RNAi was non-specifically inhibitory in mammalian cells. Further studies in plants and invertebrate animals demonstrated that actual molecules that lead to RNAi were short double-stranded RNA oligonucleotides,21 to 22 nucleotides in length, processed internally by an enzyme called Dicer. The Dicer cleaverage products are referred to as short (or small)interfering RNA and are today popularly known as siRNA
siRNA oligo
Custom siRNA Oligo:GenePharma siRNA oligos undergo vigorous process monitoring and strict quality control;Produce under ISO9000 quality standard system;Annealing dsRNA aliquots.
Chemical Modified siRNA Oligo:GenePharma chemical modified siRNA results in greater longevity in cell culture and stability in cell culture and in serum,enhancing the ability for this to be used for in vivo aplications and has much more extentional effective time than Standdard siRNA
siRNA Negative Control:One set of full siRNA experiment should have a negative control, screenning siRNA at beginning of siRNA experiment may choose our company provides ready-made and haven’t homologous sequence with target gene.
siRNA Positive Control:Positive control inspecting experimental system is very important. In other words, when you see siRNA positive control anticipated experimental result, you can guarantee that yours experimental technique, transfection, RNA extraction and detection method are reliable. 上海吉玛 RNAi positive control。Positive control includes”LaminA/C、GFP22、Luciferase GL2、MAPK1、Beta-Actin、Vimentin、P53、GAPDH、Cyclophilin B .
siRNA Transfection
RNAi Transfecion Reagents :No necessary to change culture media. Easy to operate. Good repeatability. Transfect siRNA oligos in high efficiency. High trnasfection efficiency can be obtained even in culture media containing serum. Shipped at room temperature. Stored at 4 ℃ for long time. No cell toxicity.
RNAi Expression Vector
shRNA Expresion Vector:GenePharma shRNA Expression Vector has two forms of cloning enzymes cleavage sites, BamH I and BbsI. BbsI which is special restrict enzyme, produces asymmetrical supplementary coherent terminal,which guarantees insertion sequence direction correct, and prevents vector from self-circlized. shRNA has many kinds of selection marker, which may help establish stable transfection cell line,Neo: Neomycin resistant gene Hygro: Hygromycin B resistant gene GFP: Neo: GFP reporter and the Kan/G418 resistant gene Reporter GFP may help detect transfection efficiency and instruct RNAi action sites.
RNA Extraction
Ezol RNA Extraction Reagent:Ezol performs well with small quantities of tissue (50-100 mg) and cells (5 × 106), and large quantities of tissue (≥1 g) and cells (>107), of human, animal, plant, or bacterial origin. The simplicity of the Ezol Reagent method allows simultaneous processing of a large number of samples. The entire procedure can be completed in one hour.
Enzol DNA Extraction Reagent:Enzol performs well with small quantities of tissue (50-100 mg) and cells (5 x 106), and large quantities of tissue (>/=1 gram) and cells (>107), of human, animal, plant, or bacterial origin. The simplicity of the Enzol Reagent method allows simultaneous processing of a large number of samples. The entire procedure can be completed in one hour.
Monitoring Gene Expression
RNAi-Startup GAPDH Control Kit:The kit can not only be used to optimizate siRNA transfection, but also to be as internal controls.Fluorescent dye labeled dsRNA can be used directly to observe transfection efficency.GAPDH siRNA positive control and negative control are both in the kit.By Real-Time PCR,detecting GADPH gene expression and give references for transfection optimalization.
RNAi-Startup GAPDH Basic Control Kit:The kit can not only be used to optimizate siRNA transfection, but also to be as internal controls.Fluorescent dye labeled dsRNA can be used directly to observe transfection efficency.GAPDH siRNA positive control and negative control are both in the kit.By Real-Time PCR,detecting GADPH gene expression and give references for transfection optimalization.,The kit can be used to Real-time PCR Core Reagent(Catalog Number QSG-070)
RNAi Gene-Knockdown Easy Kit:The kit have all components,including transfecting siRNA and evaluate transfection efficiency, and verify RNAi knockdown efficiency by RT-PCR. Fluorescent dye labled dsRNA can be used to detect transfection efficiency diretly ;The kit have GAPDH siRNA positive control,negative control and PCR amplification primer and probes.Directly evaluating transfection efficiency by qRT-PCR ,then verifying GAPDH inhibition efficiency which can also be used as positive control and negative control.
RNAi-Startup IFN Response Basic Control Kit:In Mammalian cells,long double strands RNA induce IFN and produce non-specific transcriptional inhibition. If you are unsure whether your siRNA sequence induce non-specific IFN,please use the kit to verify by Real-time PCR.AtWhen detecting non-specific IFN by Real-Time PCR,the kit can be used to Real-time PCR Core Reagent(Catalog Number QSG-070)
RNAi-Startup IFN Response Control Kit:If you are unsure whether your siRNA sequence induce non-specific IFN,please use the kit to verify by Real-time PCR.At the same time monitoring PKR, OAS-1 and hStat1,three IFN effective gene and offer GAPDH house-keeping gene control.High Sensitivity and easy to observe and conclude.
RNAi House-Keeping Gene Control Kit:GenePharma has prepared some house-keeping gene RNAi Control Kits,in order to be convenient for researchers in RNAi experiments.Please see GenePharma Product Catalog Page C8 in detal.